So, if you know about my personal life. I took a break from the corporate world for over a year. It was a good break. I got to spend time with my kids, and did a lot of homemaking. I enjoyed it, I really did. We lived as frugal as much as possible. Enjoyed the homemaking side.
Well, just recently, I accepted a contract job, we're not sure where it's going to lead; maybe they'll like me at the end of the contract and ask me to stay full-time? I don't know.
Am I nervous? Yes.
Am I excited? Yes.
Am I anxious in the unknown? Yes and No. Yes because I like to know what's going on, but I know God has a path for me, so that eases my mind.
Am I going to stop Ni-Chern Designs? No.
What does this all mean? Well, I don't be doing as many craft/indie shows as I did last year. And probably not as many new products as I have been cranking out. But don't worry, I'll still be here sewing away.
You can still see which shows I will be doing as soon as I am accepted into them on my events page.
I just wanted to let you know what's going on, so you're not curious on why I am not as a show this year that I did last year.